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The Concrete Rose Foundation

The Concrete Rose Foundation a nonprofit organization committed to providing girls ages 7 to 17 with opportunities that foster holistic growth, cultural awareness, and leadership. Through mentorship and programs rooted in character, education, leadership, and service, we focus on exposing our mentees to experiences that broaden their horizons and empower them to dream bigger.

Empowering Girls to Reach Their Potential Through Exposure & Education

Our mentoring programs are designed to inspire and guide girls towards a brighter future, with a focus on  exposure to Historically Black Colleges and Universities and college preparation.​

We aim to
educate girls on the rich and vibrant Culture and Heritage of the African American community. We believe in creating a community of support that empowers young ladies and sets them up for a successful future. Join us today to start exploring the possibilities!

Instilling Integrity & Resilience


Nurturing Resilience & Building Character

At The Concrete Rose Foundation, we are committed to providing a dynamic and supportive environment where young girls thrive, develop essential skills, and confidently pursue their dreams. Our programs are designed to build self-confidence, improve interpersonal skills and help girls set and achieve goals. We believe in the extraordinary potential of every girl and work tirelessly to provide opportunities for them to shine and thrive.

We are dedicated to empowering the next generation of young women to excel, explore their potential, and achieve greatness. We understand that girls can struggle with peer pressure, low self-esteem and impulsive behavior, and we believe that mentoring can make a real difference. Our mentors are passionate about guiding girls towards achieving their goals and becoming their best selves. Come join us today and start your journey towards a brighter future!


Eden, 12

I would like to start off by saying thank you to Ms. McClellan and the program she has made for all these beautiful, minority girls to be in. She has set a good example for me to become a young lady. I thank her for helping me with everything and going as far as possible for all of the girls in the group. She has helped me to learn to be myself, how to not let people get to me and so much more. When I first came to Concrete Roses, I didn't know what to expect; now I do. It has been the best 3 years! Concrete Roses helped me realize that just because you are a young minority girl, you are capable of doing anything that anyone else can, plus more. The talks and meetings have been so helpful. I'm so happy to be in Concrete Roses. I couldn't ask for a better leader to lead this program. So thank you, Ms. McClellan. I love you and I can't wait to see this program blossom into so much more.


Kimber, 11

I've been in Concrete Roses for 1 year. Being in Concrete Roses has shown me a ton of experiences that I didn't think I would have interest in but turns out I did. It gave me extra history that they didn't teach us in school about our people. It has taught me to prove our stereotypes wrong and that one day us as young women will do something great with our lives. I want to say thank you to Ms. McClellan for bringing me into this group and making it great and to the girls for making it fun. Ms. McClellan has helped me in so many ways that I will never forget and I love her for it. I can't wait to see her program take off in many ways and I wish nothing for her but the best.

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Gracy, 12

The thing I enjoyed most about Concrete Roses was the HBCU trip because we got to learn about different colleges. My dream college to go is Bethune-Cookman University. I love Ms. McClellan so much and I hope I get to see her next year when I go to middle school. I just want to thank her for all that she's done for her girls and Concrete Roses.

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Shalice, 11

Ms. McClellan, You're the best person that I ever met. I love you for treating me for who I am. I love you for everything you've done for me. I thank you for letting me be in this group.

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Ty'Niyah, 12

The thing I liked most about Concrete Roses was learning to be a leader as the Student President, trying to do my best to help out. The thing I like about Ms. McClellan is how nice she is and how she will helps us when we need it. I just want to say thank you Ms. McClellan for all that you've done for us.

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